We are a 100% volunteer organization.

Every dollar we receive goes directly against expenses associated with school book drives throughout Ontario and our Rainforest of Reading Festivals in the Eastern Caribbean.

How far would you go for literacy? Find out at Find 52
No matter who you are or where you live, the world runs on literacy. Find 52 is our ongoing campaign to raise funds for OneWorld Schoolhouse Foundation’s library development and reading festivals. In fact, Find 52 is a series of campaigns. Some have a connection to running – but many others do not. Look at what schools, communities and individuals have been doing since 2012 or explore current campaigns. If you have a​“Find 52” idea, we’d love to hear from you. There’s room for 52 of just about anything you can think of that makes a connection to the benefits – and fun – of literacy.

Donate to OneWorld Schoolhouse at canada​helps​.org.